April 2023 - THE CON IS ON

Happy spring! I'm writing this in my hotel room at McCormick Place (the huge Chicago convention center), about to embark upon my first convention of the year - C2E2. I've been doing this show for many years, and it has a special place in my heart. A number of significant career milestones happened at C2E2, including the moment when I learned that my very first Image book was going to be published by their Shadowline imprint (27, for those who have been following along for a loooong time).

I'm excited - my EIGHT BILLION GENIES colleague Ryan Browne hails from this burg, so we'll be sitting together all weekend hawking our genies and curses and astronauts despised by Almighty God. I think it's tables P-14/P-15, though I could be wrong. We're definitely in Aisle P somewhere. Just look for the guys that look like Ryan Browne and me. It'll be a great, grueling time, as it always is - but immediately after I'll head to London for Star Wars Celebration. Normally, I would never do two shows in a row. It's a recipe for exhaustion, not getting work done, and just too long away. But C2E2 is a chance to hang out with Ryan, and Star Wars Celebration is, well, Star Wars Celebration... so I made an exception. Based on this show and other things I'm doing in and around Celebration, I'll be on the road for about three weeks. Wish me luck!

Anyway, you're getting this update a few days early than the normal monthly schedule because Ryan and I did something super cool related to 8BG for C2E2. I'll tell you about those in a second, as well as giving you some updates on where you can find me in London, but before I do, let me give you an update on...


We're a little over a week in for the Kickstarter campaign for my next two novels - THE ENDLESS VESSEL and its companion story CHRONICLES OF THE LAZARENE. The campaign's gone well so far - we funded in 36 hours! Thank you for that. Now, though, it's all about the stretch goals - the things I add to the project to make it bigger and better (at no extra cost to existing backers!) as more money comes in via new or upgraded pledges.

If you haven't checked this out yet, the idea is that I have my next original novel out in June, the "regular" way in bookstores of all types. It's called THE ENDLESS VESSEL, and it's about a lot of things, but the logline I've been settling on is "it's about a hunt for the greatest treasure in human history - the true key to happiness - discovered centuries ago by a group of people that created an entire secret society to keep it safe." It's set in the modern day and has awesome historical and even sci-fi elements... it's a blast. I loved writing it, and wanted to think of a way to bring people to it *and* expand the world - so I wrote a second book called CHRONICLES OF THE LAZARENE that expands the story. The Kickstarter will let you get both books together plus lots of awesome bonuses.

It's being fulfilled by bookshop.org, which means your pledge doesn't just help me (because these are all pre-orders for THE ENDLESS VESSEL, which are so important), or yourself (because you get awesome stuff), but also independent booksellers everywhere. Bookshop.org will run the orders through local shops so they get their piece. It's an amazing system.

So, if you haven't looked at the Kickstarter yet, or might be interested in seeing all the new stuff I've added, click the image below and it'll take you right there - or just click this link!


So, you want to see the new Eight Billion Genies stuff, eh? Well, if you just want to click right over, hit up whichever image below strikes your fancy.

What you've got here is a Director's Cut version of EIGHT BILLION GENIES #1, which includes commentary from Ryan and me on every single page with lots of insight, easter eggs, previously unreleased tidbits, etc. You love tidbits! In addition, it's got some very cool backmatter, including the origin story of 8BG, the pitch document that set up the Amazon Studios deal, and more.

There's also, THE ART OF EIGHT BILLION GENIES, which includes a huge amount of Ryan's raw artwork and concept sketches for the series. It's as gorgeous and cool as you'd expect.

Each of these are available in limited, numbered editions of 500 - and we'll be selling them live at C2E2 all weekend (or until we run out - last time we did this they were all gone in about six hours online and at the show.) If you want to order, please feel free - and if you want them signed, Ryan and I will be able to easily do that this weekend. Fun!


From April 7-10, London (England) will be hosting the semi-annual Star Wars Celebration convention at the ExCel Center in the evocatively named Docklands District. (I've been there before. There are indeed docks!)

I'll be doing a whole bunch of things, including signings and panels. My current full schedule is here, and below:

It should be a wonderful time, as always - many of my High Republic colleagues will be there as well, plus fellow Star Wars creators and fans of all types. This one's always special. I know a decent number of the things that will be revealed to fans, and I can tell you - get excited. It'll be great.

Also, if you happen to be the type of person who likes to create elaborate costumes centered around the characters of the High Republic era of which I was a story architect, well, much like last year, if you can find me while you're in costume, I've got a pin for you. This time it's based on Phase II and features the lightsaber of the character I spent the most time with in this time period, Jedi saberslinger extraordinaire Porter Engle.


I think that'll do it for this one. When next we chat, I'll give you the behind-the-scenes gossip from Celebration, and probably hit you up to pledge on that Kickstarter again... but hey, my novels, of all the stuff I do, are always the most personal to me. I'm always going to hype them up.

Thank you for supporting my work and reading, and I hope to see you in Chicago or London or both!


Thomas Stella